Maverick Mx-3 Touch
Product Description
The Mx-Touch Exception Item Encoder provides full function programmability for maximum flexibility. Program a variable length field when you want and
eliminate the cost and lost time associated with programming changes. With state-of-the-art circuitry and a stout mechanical design, the Mx-3 Touch eliminates
downtime. The Touch meets or exceeds the rigid ANSI MICR specifications for MICR encoding and features a ribbon cartridge that is simple to change with
absolutely no mess. This unit is lightweight, compact and is a perfect fit for a small work center.
Product Features
- Fixed & Variable Fields
- Auto Incrementing Fields
- Exception Field Encode
- Full Field Encode
- Repeat Encode
- Acct. # with CDV/CDG option
- ABA # with CDV/CDG option
- USB2 Download Capability
- Speed: 45 dpm
- Length: 13.25 inches (33.7 cm)
- Width: 8.0 inches (20.32 cm)
- Height: 3.5 inches (8.89 cm)
- Weight: 4.25 pounds
- Display: 20 character, 2-line alphanumeric Backlit LCD
- Ribbon: Average yield of 25,000 - 30,000 characters
- Power: 120 VAC, wall mount transformer (or) 100-240 VAC, in-line desktop
- Memory: Non-Volatile, FLASH ROM
- Encode Capability: 65 character/full field
- Font: E13B (other fonts available)