Maverick MX-6 Touch
Product Description
The Mx-6 Touch is the new generation MICR 6 series exception item encoder. With several new enhancements, this new model is just as fast as the Mx-6 and it still allows you to use the same programs that run in a MICR model 100, 210, 610 or an Mx-6.
This compact robust encoder will meet your requirements for an accurate and reliable MICR exception item encoder. Simply key the information, drop the document, and the Mx-6 Touch will encode the MICR code-line exactly to ANSI specification. Program functions directly through the keyboard, snap in a ribbon, and begin encoding with minimal operator training. The space saving Mx-6 Touch has a footprint about the size of a piece of paper and will allow you to improve customer service by encoding items at the branch level. By encoding documents such as lobby deposits, counter checks, bonds, and repairing items for reprocessing, the Mx-6 Touch will save valuable time and money by allowing you to present qualified items to the proof department. With minimal space requirements, this MICR encoder provides the optimal cost effective solution for exception item encoding.
Product Features
- Touch Screen
- Fixed & Variable Fields
- Auto Incrementing Fields
- Exception Field Encode
- Full Field Encode
- Repeat Encode
- Acct. # with CDV/CDG option
- ABA # with CDV/CDG option
- USB2 Download Capability
- Serial Communications
- Speed: 50 dpm
- Length: 13.25 inches (33.7 cm)
- Width: 8.0 inches (20.32 cm)
- Height: 3.5 inches (8.89 cm)
- Weight: 4.25 pounds (1.93 kg)
- Keyboard: 30 keys and 20 Programmable functions
- Display: 3 x 4 full color LCD Touch panel with large characters
- Ribbon: Average yield of 25,000 – 30,000 characters
- Power: 100-240 VAC, in-line desktop
- Memory: Non-Volatile, Flash ROM
- Encode Capability: 65 character/full field
- Font: E13B (other fonts available)